Det sidste man ofte får gjort noget ved på mange anlæg er de små detaljer. Det er disse detaljer som giver 'lige prikken over i'et', men det er også ofte disse, som er ret så dyre at købe - især hvis de skal optræde i rigelig mængde og derved give 'prikken'. |
Kig efter dette mærke hos din forhandler. |
De figurer, som vi i mange år har kunnet købe i forretningerne, har været fremstillet af de kendte tyske producenter, men nu er en ny producent - WOODLAND - på vej ind på markedet med en meget omfattende serie af figurer og tilbehør. Figurerne fra WOODLAND vil komme på markedet i flere omgange i løbet af 2004 - spørg din forhandler - og udover i str. H0 vil der også komme omfattende serier til skala N (se samt *G* (se SVEVA). Da der er tale om en amerikansk producent, så vil der i sagens natur være mange typisk amerikanske figurer, men der er også mange sæt imellem med appeal til de europæiske mj'ere - og så gør det vel næppe noget, at prisen vil være ret så atraktiv ! Woodland.Scenics produkterne importeres til og distribueres i Danmark af SVEVA Mercatura. Når det drejer sig om totale layouts, landskabsdetaljer mv., så er WOODLAND "State-Of-Art", og en hel del tyder på, at man også vil indtage denne position indenfor figurer mv. - se blot de efterfølgende smagsprøver på figurer i str. H0. |
A1832 - Moms & Kids (HO Scale) There are three moms and three kids included in this set. One mom is pushing her child in a stroller. One mom and child are sitting, and they appear to be waiting for a bus. Another mother clutches her child while pulling her stroller along. |
A1833 - Lovers (HO Scale) Three couples and a bench are included in this set of figures. One couple is standing and gazing into each other's eyes. Another is standing, smooching, saying goodbye as the man pulls away and the woman clutches her hat. The last couple is sitting on a bench, and the elderly man steals a kiss from the elderly woman. |
A1834 - Sitting & Waiting (HO Scale) Two men, three women, a child and a dog are included in this set. A mother and her child are waiting, perhaps for a bus. A dog sits close by. A woman and man are sitting, engaged in conversation and another man and woman are sitting very closely together, just enjoying each other's company. |
A1835 - Professionals (HO Scale) Three men and three women in professional attire stand waiting, as if for a bus. Two of the women are in dresses and are holding their briefcases. One woman is dressed in a business suit and has a jacket slung over her arm. All of the men are dressed in business suits and long coats. They are all holding briefcases and one has a hat on. |
A1836 - Tourists (HO Scale) Three men and three women are included in this set. One man with a camera directs others he is photographing. One man stands by observing. A woman carries a briefcase and a pad of paper and seems to be on a working vacation. Another woman is conversing with a man. One woman is out just enjoying the sights. |
A1838 - People Talking (HO Scale) The six people in this set seem to be in conversation. One is an elderly woman with a sweater over her arm. A man stands next to one woman with his arm over her shoulder. Another man is looking at his watch, worried about the time. One woman is waving and the other man is extending his hand for a shake. |
A1840 - Travelers (HO Scale)
There are two female travelers and four males included in this set. One female is sitting and waving. The other female is walking with her coat over one shoulder and luggage on the other side. A male traveler walks with two suitcases, while another stands with his coat flopped over one arm and a suitcase in the other. Two male travelers are walking briskly with their coats and suitcases. |
Mange danske mj'ere kører amerikansk, og for disse må WOODLAND's nye initiativ med figurer samt typiske amerikanske dioramadetaljer bare være det rene svir. Se blot disse få prøver. |
A1851 - Road Crew Details (HO Scale) An assortment of Road Crew tools and supplies are included in this set: warning signs, cones, a wheelbarrow, shovels, rakes, poles, a pile of ballast and a bucket. |
A1856 - Tombstones (HO Scale) More than 20 pieces are included in this assortment of square, rounded, cross and obelisk tombstones. |
A1858 - Chain Gang (HO Scale) Two guards with guns stand watch over four inmates. One inmate is standing with a shovel. One inmate is holding a shovel, another is swinging a pickaxe over his head and another inmate is bent over, shoveling. |
A1859 - Train Mechanics (HO Scale) One man is tipping his hat, one is carrying a hammer, two men are carrying wrenches, another a toolbox, and one man is leaning on a stick. |
A1866 - Engineers (HO Scale) Four Engineers are standing and two are sitting in various positions. All are wearing work gear and are very animated. |
A1867 - Factory Workers (HO Scale) One worker rests against an old crate and another sits on the crate eating a sandwich. One worker carries his lunch pail and his hard hat. One man wears a white hard had and one holds his hard hat in his hand behind his back. One man supervises with his hand in his pocket. |
A1841 - Dogs & Cats (HO Scale) There are dogs and cats galore in this set - two domestic and one feral cat, and seven dogs, some purebreds and some junkyard mutts. There is also a trashcan and a fire hydrant to fit the scene. |
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